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01. Mastering Octane : Fundamentals
00. Introduction
Why I use Octane (6:21)
Resources and project files
01. Getting started with Octane
Installation (0:52)
Basic Settings and personal preferences (9:13)
02. ACES workflow
New ACES workflow (1:55)
Legacy ACES workflow (for older Octane versions) (4:53)
02b. Export and file formats
Exporting ACES (4:18)
Compositing_ACES_in_AfterFX (3:08)
Choosing image formats (3:12)
Cinema4D's render queue (2:31)
03. Live Viewer (IPR)
Live Viewer / Tips and tricks (8:19)
04. Cameras
Camera imager / Glow / Depth of field (5:20)
Universal Camera (1:49)
Motion Blur (2:56)
Parallel camera (1:25)
5. Octane kernels
Pathtracing (13:17)
Denoiser (2:55)
Light bounces (6:02)
06. Octane object tag
SDS / Splines / Visibility (4:00)
07. Let there be light
Area lights (9:25)
Gobos (4:59)
HDRIs (3:02)
Daylight systems (6:07)
Light linking (old and new way) (4:34)
Rayswitch (2:32)
Ray epsilon and scene scale (7:39)
08. UVW and Octane
UVW mapping in Cinema4D (3:01)
UVW mapping in Octane (3:56)
9. Network rendering
Setting up network rendering (8:44)
10. Asset management
Project asset inspector (Cinema4D) (5:35)
Octane texture manager (2:46)
Asset browser and databases (2:40)
11. Node editor
Node editor / Settings (1:16)
Node editor / Tips and Tricks (4:29)
12. Basic material types
Keeping Octane crash-less (read this please)
Universal and Standard (2:24)
Diffuse (3:34)
Layers (coating) (1:51)
Glossy (3:09)
Specular (3:13)
Composite (3:16)
13. Basic nodes
Color correction / Triplanar (2:54)
Noises / Gradients (4:25)
Falloff / Mix / Float / Add / Multiply (3:25)
Dirt / Curvature (2:16)
Vertex maps (1:39)
14. Advanced material types
SSS (Subsurface Scattering) (4:54)
Emission (self illumination) (2:50)
Anisotropy (6:44)
What are BRDFs? (1:30)
Hair (6:11)
Texturing hair (2023.1.3 R4) (8:04)
Caustics (8:07)
15. Advanced nodes
Side node (0:52)
Mixing normal maps (2:54)
Chaos texture (2:56)
What is OSL? (1:55)
Favorite OSL types (6:38)
Bump / Normal / Vertex maps (how to use them properly) (4:11)
16. Understanding Displacement types in Octane
Texture displacement (2:59)
Vertex displacement (2:09)
Mixing displacements (2:30)
17. Nested Dielectrics
What are Nested Dielectrics and how to utilise them (3:47)
18. Mastering Mograph
Mograph Color vs Random Color (1:57)
Randomising textures (4:08)
Jittered Color (1:15)
ColorKey (2:42)
Highlight Instance (1:51)
Channel Picker (RGB split) (1:18)
Instance Range (1:19)
Random UV offsetting (2:37)
Color data from splines (6:06)
19. Octane Scatter
Basic parameters (6:32)
Combining with Effectors (3:34)
Color Data from Scatter (3:55)
Using the Matrix Object (2:48)
20. X-particles
XP color (1:47)
XP groups (1:50)
Particles to Trails color transfer (3:24)
21. Fog and Volumes
Simple fog (3:31)
Volume fog (9:19)
VDBs lookdev and optimisations (9:58)
Texturing VDBs (3:13)
VDBs and mograph (3:41)
Standard vs volume material (6:21)
Cinema4D's Pyro (4:16)
Volume displacement (10:02)
22. AOVs (render passes)
An intro to AOVs (0:37)
Back to beauty (5:20)
Z pass (1:53)
AOVs and mattes (5:46)
Lighting passes (2:09)
Global textures (1:39)
Custom textures (3:31)
23. Cryptomatte
Stable Cryptomatte modes in Octane (6:23)
24. Technical subtleties
Reducing VRAM overhead (3:50)
Cinema4D's layers workflow (3:58)
Color vs float sliders (2:30)
Removing fireflies (3:21)
25. Octane's Proxies (ORBX)
Optimising heavy scenes (2:00)
ORBX (single frame) (5:17)
ORBX (animated geometry) (2:35)
RNDR network (0:50)
26. 2023.1.3 Updates
Splines as render instances (2:18)
Analytic and direct lights (4:53)
Post fog and null material (4:48)
Camera effects (4:51)
Bump height (breaks previous projects) (3:10)
26. What's next?
Next steps / Resources (4:01)
Color data from splines
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